GRACE is a folktale. And a thriller! When a magical young girl has given her neighbors every bit of her strength, a sudden emergency ignites a deadly fight for the last drop of her magic. With her last
sacrifice, she binds her community and awakens them to their own miraculous powers.
GRACE summons our common humanity and like any good folktale helps us find our courage in a hard world. We are often lonely and sometimes feel powerless to make a difference. GRACE is a reminder that when we come together first with forgiveness and humility, we enter circles of power from which we may change the world.
Townsfolk come from far and wide to a small farmhouse to be healed by a mysterious young girl. With her magical touch, Grace has healed the people in her farm community for years. But the act of healing drains her own life force. Now she has given too much and will die if she persists. So, Grace's mother, Beth, is taking her far away to a place where nobody knows about Grace’s power. As the town gathers in gratitude to say goodbye, a panicked young couple crashes through the front door to beg Grace to save their unborn daughter. Beth holds her ground between her willing but fragile child and two desperate parents who must save their own. With their children’s lives in the balance, three parents face off. Tension simmers until a burst of violence destroys them all. Grieving and with nowhere to go, they join together and are transformed by an astonishing act of love.